Garden Peace Post Class

Event Phone: 515-490-7103

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

There are no upcoming dates for this event.

Love the garden peace posts but think they’re kind of spendy?  Ever thought of creating your own?

How about grabbing a friend and registering for the upcoming Two Sisters Paint Palette Garden Peace Post Class.  We supply all the materials you’ll need to create a 4-foot vinyl peace post, including four easy patterns to  choose from.  Register today!

See you in class!


305 Benton Street, Slater, Iowa, 50244, United States



    • Hi Debby, I do accept private parties on the weekends, however, this particular class is the first of the peace pole class series and in order for me to rent the Slater Log Cabin (community center), it works best during the week. Possibly in the Fall I may offer some weekend classes and as I mentioned, I am available for private parties on the weekends.

    • Hi Susan, I’ll be putting out my fall class schedule in the next week. I’ll send you a notice!

  1. You have this advertised but it appears it’s full already. Are you doing this again?

    • Hi Sandy, most likely I will do this again. I have over 6 classes for the peace pole and they have filled up quickly. I’ll keep you posted on another!

  2. I would also like to be added to your notifications. Would you consider doing a class in Madrid if we could provide a spot to do it?

  3. Would you please include me in your email of class listings? Thank you.
    Jean Goodner

    • HI Jean, sorry this has taken me a while to respond. I’ve been overwhelmed by the number of people registering for class. As things slow down a bit, I’ll figure out how to use the contact list!!

  4. Just wanting to confirm that we are registered for the August 31 class.
    Lori Morrissey and Carole Lund-Smith.

    • Hi Lori, in order for confirmation, this website requires payment prior to the event. I didn’t miss you payment, did I? You can pay by paypal or by selecting the invoice and then pay me prior by check or cash. If you aren’t paid prior to the event, your registration could be lost by someone registering and paying. Please let me know if you have paid. It is possible with so many people, this didn’t get marked as a completed registration!

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